
Rabi Michael-Crushshon
1 min readApr 12, 2022


She sways gently in the wind.
Not held back by oppression,
hate nor fear.
She is one with herself.
Unable to move,
firmly rooted to the ground.
Forever stuck
yet, freer than we will ever be.
Her life was paved out.
Carefully structured and planned,
the moment she began to rise
from the ground.
She will grow and grow,
maybe to be 1,000 or 10,000 years old,
or she’ll be slaughtered
by a construction man
as he carves away for
a factory.
I imagine that she takes death peacefully,
because she knows
as we kill her and her family,
we are really killing
Right now, she may be an obstacle in our plan.
But in a few years, filled with regret
we will pray for her return.
While we choke on toxic, oxygenless air,
she will watch us from the sky.
Watch as we apologize to our children for ignoring the signs.
Watch as we drink our tears in search of water,
and ask ourselves how much longer we can hold our breath.
She will watch as our bodies fall,
decorating the ashes
of the cities, we called home.
But for now —
the wind gently caresses her branches
and deep in her core
she smiles.
Roots sprout, and buds form,
another step in the impossible feat of repopulating.
And yet also a beautiful new hope.



Rabi Michael-Crushshon

I’m 19 and I live in Minneapolis. I love to write and am continuously learning how to use words to express my thoughts and make my voice heard.