Promise of Summer


When the grass grows green
and the tulips blossom
then will the sun rise
When the sky is blue
and the trees spring new leaves
then will the sun rise
When waves crash the shores
will the sun finally rise
forcing my teeth to form a smile
Once a caramel tone
coats my yellow skin
then will the sun rise
Once sand infiltrates
my wet wrinkled toes
then will the sun rise
Once pools fill my ears
will the sun finally rise
painting my cheeks with natural blush
When planes leave the ground
and soar above clouds
then will the sun rise
When vacation spots
join nameless families
then will the sun rise
And when sun rises
will I then be happy
and let my heart, once frozen, melt?



Rabi Michael-Crushshon

I’m 19 and I live in Minneapolis. I love to write and am continuously learning how to use words to express my thoughts and make my voice heard.